Perhaps you or someone you know has never been baptized, or was baptized in another Christian faith. You may have questions about the Catholic Church, want to be part of an accepting and nurturing community, or desire to hear more of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus.
You are cordially invited to inquire about becoming Catholic through the community here at St. Patrick. Here you can learn what Catholics believe and what Catholics do. You can raise the issues on your minds or in your hearts and have a mentor to help you find the answers.
Those who have never been baptized can investigate what it means to be Christian. Those baptized in another Christian tradition can learn more of the process to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. Those who were baptized Catholic but never raised as Catholic can learn about being Confirmed and receiving the Eucharist.
Let us introduce you to the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), a process by which a person can become Catholic, which focuses its teachings on the church calendar and the readings we hear at church.