THAT MAN IS YOU! RETURNS Sign-up after all Masses September 7 & 8
Jesus did not say to the Jews, “I’ve come to save you from Roman oppression and taxation.” Christ did not promise a worldly kingdom. In fact, He said, “In the world you will have tribulation ... yet I have overcome the world ... My kingship is not of this world ... My kingdom is in your midst ... My kingdom is within you!” The kingdom of God is among us. Indeed, it is here now. For where the King is, there is His Kingdom. Let us live with an eternal perspective. May we become the men we need to rebuild the kingdom!Join us for food, fellowship and faith. All men are welcome. Learn more at
Meetings for this fall semester will begin on Wednesday, September 11 and continue until Wednesday, December 11. Each week we will watch a video with great speakers from all walks of life. We start each meeting at 5:45 a.m. with breakfast and we finish up at 7:15.